Hi everybody!
If your considering a mid year transfer, application are now open through UAC.
Undergraduate home: http://www.uac.edu.au/undergraduate/
Key Dates: http://www.uac.edu.au/undergraduate/key-dates.shtml
Table of Courses...
I am looking at transferring to Macquarie and I just had a couple of questions.
If you don't mind me asking, I'd really appreciate feedback.
1)Did you transfer before 1 full year or after 1 year of full time study?
2) If you transferred before 1 year of , was your ATAR lower than...
I would like to transfer from UWS to MACQ into Bcom- Professional Accounting in the mid year intake
I have completed the first year equivalent at UWS at the end of this semester, so will my application be considered only on my GPA or do they consider my ATAR also? (and do they consider...