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  1. killer queen

    is it just me or do people on this forum do super well

    is it just me or do the ppl on this forum tend to do super well I feel like I've seen soooooo many >97 ATARs and high Band 6s and things in people's signatures, and like full-marks LAT scores etc. anyways just a random observation to discuss :angel:
  2. killer queen

    Ext 2 English Projects

    I almost did Eng Ext 2 (fully signed up for the course but ended up dropping Eng Ext instead, the irony) and ngl I kinda wish I got to do what I wanted to do so What are you guys doing?
  3. killer queen

    Exemplar science report?

    Hi guys, does anybody have an exemplar science report they'd be willing to share, or any tips on how to write one? (Last time we had an SRP assessment the highest was 25/30...and we have one next term, woohoo...) Thanks!
  4. killer queen

    Should I learn ahead for vectors and mechanics?

    Hi guys! I do Math Extension 2 but do not do physics (and have no tutoring), and the rest of my class does do physics. How similar is physics to MXX content? Should I learn ahead for the vectors and mechanics topics to keep up, or is doing physics not that much of a help? Thanks!
  5. killer queen

    UCAT - what is a competitive score now that AR is gone?

    I want to get into the UNSW Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMed) and the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program. Now that abstract reasoning isn't a thing anymore (RIP), does anybody know what a good score would be to be competitive? Also, does situational judgment impact my chances, or does UNSW not...
  6. killer queen

    Additional topic essay? (Music 2)

    Hi guys, I do Music 2 and I was going through past papers and the essay has recently always been on Australian music of the past 25 years. Is this a new syllabus thing that it'll always be on Australian music, or do we still need to know additional topic pieces for our HSC? If so, what kind of...