does anyone know about the extracurricular activities available at ACU? there's a soccer field so i assume they have a soccer team but does anyone know what kind of competition they play in? also, i know it is far-fetched but is there by any chance a gym? lol
i'd post it in the ACU section but...
does your school's state rank determine how high(or low) the raw marks are scaled? for example, would a raw mark of 60 in biology be scaled up to a band 5 at a top school, but a raw mark of 60 in bio in a lesser-ranked school remain a band 3 or scaled up to 4? not quite sure so please correct me...
adv eng - 9/76
pdhpe - 2/44
biology - 10-15/48
general maths - 15-20/110
modern history - 10-15/40
ext history - 5/6 (HIP's yet to be marked)
SOR1 - 50?/120
adv eng - 9/76
pdhpe - 2/44
biology - 10-15/48
general maths - 15-20/110
modern history - 10-15/40
ext history - 5/6 (HIP's yet to be marked)
SOR1 - 50?/120