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  1. santaslayer


    Yes, stupid system. It would make a major difference if they accepted application right after the first round offers.
  2. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    The UAI is the only thing we have to predict success in tertiary study. The keyword is a "few". This does not represent the majority. These are also in the "few" catergory, as melsc has just pointed out. A "Killing" cannot be defined absoloutly. There is no point, as another 1000...
  3. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    Yes. A LOT are in the same catergory. They stay there because of many reasons. One of which, is the delicious scholarship. Good luck with the scholarship, and in general, your law studies. :)
  4. santaslayer

    Career Advice - Promotions in a Law firm?

    Sorry, I'm no associate, but doesn't promotion mean greater responsibility of harder and more confuzzling cases? I think the hours can only stay, if not increase. With that in mind, you'll probably get first priority when it comes to seeking leave for holidays.
  5. santaslayer

    Career Advice - Promotions in a Law firm?

    Doesn't promotion come after actually graduating? Bit too far to tell. Anyway, i don't care about a promotion. I only want SALARY RAISE!!!!! Frigid's figures (which are correct at this time) may change.
  6. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    Yes, but are they in the majority? Simple, one-off examples are not enough to be in the bulk.
  7. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    Your statistical reasoning consists of: a) You conceed that AS A WHOLE, 98'ers will beat 90's, BUT 1)picking a random 98'er and saying that he/she will beat everyone/MOST people is wrong. 2) there is a greater possibilty of deviation from the average as the group of students with uai's...
  8. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    1) No it isn't. From what past sources we can gather, picking a random 98 student and assuming/betting that he/she will beat all or MOST of the calibre is completely justified. It is more of a daring leap to assume that some other random who scrapped into UWS Law would be the one to beat all or...
  9. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    That's what I've been saying all day long. Anyway, nuff said. :) EDIT: Woops, one more thing. :p About the UAI's, Law and NTB: What I'm saying is that if: 1) You criticise the UAI for its accuracy, and then, 2) You asked the heads of the programme because you were worried about...
  10. santaslayer


    Yeah HelloKitty Land. The 4500 YEN is only the entrance fee. From there you can pay for rides and buy HelloK merchandise. Actually, I haven't seen any of the so called I <3 Tokyo shirts or whatever. The 100 yen shops usually sell a lot of innovative storage ideas. This is a must in japan...
  11. santaslayer


    Most of that is shit. What is the 'Australian" way then? We do speak all those languages listed. Whats it trying to do? encite more racial hate?
  12. santaslayer

    Original MSN Location?

    uhh i did dat too.. lets hope nothing shit happens after i restart. thanks!
  13. santaslayer

    Original MSN Location?

    ahhh thanks... coz i couldn t find it in the original add/remove window
  14. santaslayer

    Rebound boy/girl

    Where was the refocus?
  15. santaslayer

    Original MSN Location?

    Hi, I completely reinstalled WINXP and have found a default Microsoft Messenger installed in my computer. I have since upgraded to MSN 7.5 but whenever I log on to the internet, the old version automatically logs itself on first. 7.5 then tries to log on as well and once it is successful, it...
  16. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    Girlfriend's place. Don't ask, no webcam, sorry. :D Giving souviners from Japan.
  17. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    No it isn't fair. That's why we have the UAI as an INDICATOR/PREDICTOR of tertiary success. (sorry I'm not shouting, just emphasising). With all due respect. UAI's work like any other simple data. Scores that are near both ends of spectrums are easier to maintain and harder to change...
  18. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    Also, from memory, you said you intended to transfer. I read someone in this website that transfers to law will only be accepted after and only in the first year for some unis. No other admissions will be accepetd after your first full year of study. You might want to check out and confirm.
  19. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    What 'people' were you talking to? From what I gather, tutors/lecturers do not have first hand access to one's UAI. No individual really should. Except maybe uni admin and UAC. Let me guess.. The students who were helping out in the open days? :rolleyes: It really depends on the...
  20. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    No, it isn't a guarantee at all. Nothing is. I would still put my bet on the thread maker rather than somone who scrapped into UWS Law. I'm sure you would too. What your presenting is a "if" and "What if" factor. I agree that there can be many instances of people who achieved a lot or fucked...