errr... I think he/she meant like the mark you get on the certificate, like band 5 band 6 etc.. ;) But.. I would have no clue, who cares about the raw mark? They have like different standards of marking in the hsc compared to schools.
umm.. hsc isn't that hard you just need to cram basically. Even if you DID study consistently it still comes down to the final cram session before the exam. I know this isn't the right thing to encourage but I'v never had a study timetable, you don't really need one, just cram like starting from...
You'll die of shame if you get under... 50
You won't tell anyone what you got if you get less than.... 50
You will be satisfied with over... 99
You'll be bloody estatic with over... 99.5
What what you do if they asked for a radio or tele interview? I'm guessing you can integrate like an annecdote, and perhaps a few quotes.. but what else?