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  1. iambored

    stress levels rising

    a whole lot of random thoughts related to the situation, i just can't make them flow: umm tricky situation, especially because you have all come to the point where you have lost patience with him do you know why he doesn't want to see the girls? it's really a difficult situation to be...
  2. iambored

    Separate Division Forums?

    I don't like it either. it is also much harder to get into the macquarie forum now, we are mushed in the middle of a number of other unis so we have to concentrate to find the heading and then we have to make an extra click to get to the general section and possible more clicks to get to the...
  3. iambored

    First Thread

    ooh, i can post in here, can you post in the normal section because i can't edit: fixed itself i don't like this general division either
  4. iambored

    transport concession

    What did you all do to your concession sticker? Mine was still blue at the end of the year.
  5. iambored

    Changed Timetable

    me either, I don't know why but I don't need to know anyway
  6. iambored

    Changed Timetable

    log into estudent find the subject you need and click 'unregister' from the class you want to change find the new class you want and click 'register'
  7. iambored

    follow up of last unread post button

    As stated in this thread the last unread post button wasn't working, then it was fixed, then it didn't work again. I think my last post on the 26 Jan got overlooked, but it still doesn't work. I...
  8. iambored

    Web CT and estudent

    if you want to tell us your first semester units people who have done them might be able to tell you if they use webct. not all units use it so either something has gone wrong in the system, they will appear later or the unit doesn't use webct.
  9. iambored

    Choosing an elective

    btw, not to sound rude but learn to spell semester
  10. iambored

    Wait wait wait, we can't be friends?

    For closure, I would honestly say look elsewhere. He's just not that into you. So find someone else who is.
  11. iambored

    Short courses @ MQ

    it could be this site then
  12. iambored

    Macquarie and its construction

    i had a better look and i still think the pathway is a bit grey but it does look good with the new lights.
  13. iambored

    Who is going to MAQ?

    He was on the news and dismissed from mac because he said some things that people were outraged by.
  14. iambored

    Wait wait wait, we can't be friends?

    5. Maybe he realises you like him a little and doesn't want to lead you on 6. Maybe he is a fantastic guy but just can't see you as someone he could be friends with forever 7. Maybe he does what has been discussed on this forum before and what many people do which is feel akward and not know...
  15. iambored

    Short courses @ MQ

    sports what you want i think they have pulled it down
  16. iambored

    Macquarie Uni's student does it look

    the sticker doesn't fade. you get a new oen every year as well. what do the other unis do if they have the concession sticker printed on it? do they get a new card every year?
  17. iambored

    Lineup for o -week???

    not bad because they only used to have the one band, if they are playing on the grass we'll have music playing all the time
  18. iambored

    writing up my timetable! wat da HELL!!!!!!!!!!!

    mktg101 - looks like there is only 1 lecture so you must be doing it right write it how you think is right and that will make it quicker on the day if you're getting exemptions, you're still...
  19. iambored

    Web CT and estudent

    No. but some lecturers don't use webct so it will be handy to check the unit webpages. go to the mq homepage click 'student' on the left hand side type the unit code / name in the box on the top left corner and check if there is a webpage for the unit and if there is check if there are notes...
  20. iambored

    1st Semester Student activity Fees

    we had to ring the uni and they sent another one, it happened to a lot of people and i would have thought they had fixed the problem for this semester so you will probably get it soon.