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  1. S

    first time

    hey i rember my first time an it was werid both of us were virgins. but 2nd time round we had alot more foreplay before hand makes it much better!
  2. S

    Whats with CHL7???

    i don;t know about u,, but CH7 is buggered up,, i mean they put on some great shows like,,scrubs greg the bunny 3rd rock form the sun that 70's show an that 80"s show AND FAMILY GUY,,, I MEAN ONE OF THE GREATEST SHOWS IF NOT GREATEST CARTOON OF ALL TIME AND THEY...
  3. S

    Q for the ladies

    hey thanx for that, u know the real deal. also thanx for everyone puttin in there input. excpet that guy that laughed at my height. other than thats thanx all
  4. S

    Q for the ladies

    she was like 5ft 4,, so thats wat i found werid. but meh this other girl thoguht she was a bitch an felt sorry for me
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    Q for the ladies

    Hey i aint the tallest guy in the world 5ft 7,, . And recently i was turned down by a girl who was shorter than me and said that i wasnt tall enougth. Now have any other girls ever done this? or tunred a guy down casue he was short?
  6. S

    the OC obsession.

    OC, is great lets see now,, the Oc is funni an thats good the Oc has great music an thats good the Oc has pretty funni ppl in it, an thast good the Oc has very hot ladies in it and the Oc has HOT MUMS,,, HOT BLOODY MUMS,, I MEAN WHAT MROE DO U NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. S

    big day out

    BDO rumours yea i heard that ACDC, NOFX, bestie boys and muse will playin. now these are jus what i have heard, but if all or any of these great bands play i will very very happy. casue i missed out last year to go!
  8. S

    authority and conscience in the crucible

    hey any one out ther thats doin this for avd eng. if u can reply that would be bloody great cheers Simon