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  1. smoking kills

    Does a girl's intelligence intimidate guys?

    you know who else preached about the superior physical attributes of individuals with "fine breeding" that's right, hitler but at this point he's either trolling or an admirable bastion of reckless misogyny so i give up
  2. smoking kills

    could you watch your significant other do a poo

    I'm not sure how i feel about this
  3. smoking kills

    Does a girl's intelligence intimidate guys?

    maybe, but he didn't say "I'm attracted to the physical characteristics of [races]", he used the term "fine breeding" which is fine to say about dogs but human beings not so much
  4. smoking kills

    Does a girl's intelligence intimidate guys?

    rac·ism (rā'sĭz'əm) n. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Saying that girls of a certain race are more attractive than girls of another race based entirely on their ethnicity is the textbook...
  5. smoking kills

    Does a girl's intelligence intimidate guys?

    You could have just said "I'm too stupid to appreciate an intelligent girl" but thanks for the racism and sexism as well you colossal moron
  6. smoking kills

