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  1. N

    2024 HSC Chat

    idk about you but i don't have cockroaches crawling up my arm i get sand where r u sitting
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    2024 HSC Chat

    bugs loves dirty things yk
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    2024 HSC Chat

    yes ace because you're at the beach.
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    2024 HSC Chat

    love the beach but hate it when its packed there's this one spot i have near these rocks and this group of idfk what to call them, they're not boys they're literally vultures with their bimbo ass Bluetooth speaker yelling trashy drill music iN MY SPOT. idk how they found it but i was mad it was...
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    mod 5 physics past papers

    there was this one website where u can search thru hsc papers by word but i cant find it edit: FOUND IT
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    Ngo job

    why r u funny now
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    2024 HSC Chat

    Huhhh it’s sunny asf here everyone’s at the beach
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    2023 HSC chat

    because we're tryna pretend it doesn't exist
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    2024 HSC Chat

    No but following all the teacher forums on Facebook >>>
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    Mathematics Lifeskills - year 11 and year 12

    would this help?
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    BoS meet up

    wonder what happens when u reject art school as great as this just say ur uncultured
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    BoS meet up

    why does no one praise lana del ray enough
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    BoS meet up

    NEVER!!!!! @synthesisFR was convinced for the longest mf time that i went to Wollongong high school of performing arts
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    BoS meet up

    muscles blond hair blue eyes aaron warner
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    assessment one

    yeah and if ur broke just buy money
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    Ngo job

    so why dont u call on monday...
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    @carrotsss kys. love, wollongong <33

    @carrotsss kys. love, wollongong <33
  18. N

    2023 HSC chat

    dont they start marking samples before the hsc tho? in the end hsc markers know what they're looking for, could the son not get intel prior to the hsc? i think im just overthinking this lmao
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    colleen hoover

    sidetrack why tf is microsoft word not free anymore
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    colleen hoover

    why tf does coho take the issues of others and twist it for her own profit like she used her mums abuse microwave story for it ends with us, god knows who's rape experience for nov 9, what else