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  1. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    historically speaking as well, Palestine isn't just the jewish holy land. its also the Christian and Muslim holy land, to say that they have right to colonise the country purely because of the beliefs that they're descendants of Abraham and that trumps everything doesn't sit well with me
  2. N

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    at worst, Israel is a terrorist state. i said what i said. u could argue that the idf is a terrorist organisation.
  3. N

    ive heard so much abt the ummayyad mosque, have u been? I've only seen pics of it but it looks...

    ive heard so much abt the ummayyad mosque, have u been? I've only seen pics of it but it looks so beautiful i wanna go icl
  4. N

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    no ur right i understand, im only questioning what happens when different tribes have conflicting opinions about decisions that affect atsi rights, and their voice wont be heard if they're not in this committee
  5. N

    THATS SO COOL if u dont mind me asking, where r u from?

    THATS SO COOL if u dont mind me asking, where r u from?
  6. N

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    my only concern is that how will we ensure that this "diverse group" is gonna represent voices from every tribe? there r so many ATSI groups and tribes all over Australia, some of them are bound to be left out
  7. N

    well hiii! i drink it sometimes but its a little bitter how did u even know that exists omg 😭

    well hiii! i drink it sometimes but its a little bitter how did u even know that exists omg 😭
  8. N

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    fsr i feel like no will win bc not too many ppl know a lot abt it and how it would work
  9. N

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    no man u got the whole continent wrong
  10. N

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    no man im not an Australian citizen 💀
  11. N

    2023 HSC chat

    he's gonna sr shithousery