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  1. W

    Hey y'all I was wondering if I am overdoing it for my depth study?

    Hey, so basically my depth study is going up to 20-22 pages the topic is (The aim I wrote) 'To investigate the momentum and kinetic energy conserved within a simple system collision.', and I wrote 2 pages worth of background research my hypothesis is like 200 words and I felt kinda invested in...
  2. W

    How do you actually schedule and test if you understand the topic well?

    Ok so I am rlly lost on where to begin when it comes to studying maths, and how do I know if I can perform well in the topic I just learned? My questions are: - What topics should I focus on first? (a schedule on what topics should go first, second, ...) - And any tips? Thanks a lot!! : )
  3. W

    I got a 4/30 on my maths extension...

    Wow thank you so much!! The resources and the advice!! I was just feeling lost because I don’t have a “teacher” for maths (distance Ed) so I felt rlly lost and yeah.., thanks a lot for your help!! : D
  4. W

    Pls help a dying student 😭

    Thanks a lot for the reply! : )
  5. W

    I was wondering what to do? Is a 93 ATAR doable?

    AAAA thank you so much!!! <33
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    I was wondering what to do? Is a 93 ATAR doable?

    Aaa thank you guys for clarifying!! I was worried!
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    I was wondering what to do? Is a 93 ATAR doable?

    Maths is legit my worst subject I got the worst grade in my life in maths extension so that got me a little worried : ( but thanks for the reply!!
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    I was wondering what to do? Is a 93 ATAR doable?

    May I ask what that means? As in my class ranks then it is: Legal: 2nd (by 1 mark lolol) Business: 1st Maths Ext: idk (distance ed) English adv: Not 100% sure but at least top 4-2 Phyiscs: 2nd Ancient: 3rd But if its any other ranks I am not 100% sure lolol thank you for the reply : )
  9. W

    Doing really bad in year 11

    Yep, the exact same issue here lolol u put it in a good way :,)
  10. W

    I got a 4/30 on my maths extension...

    Yep it does, thank you for your advice <33 I am just glad I have hope lololol I am scared to tell anyone else so I thought it would be good to get advice here! : )
  11. W

    About ATAR and my struggles with time management! : ) (Yr 11)

    lolol thank you : ), sometimes its hard to think like that (I will try my best to think like that) when your failing but thank you non the less!!
  12. W

    I got a 4/30 on my maths extension...

    Yep, I have decided on getting tutoring, and my adv was a 14/30, I was behind on work and therefore was not up to date (getting distance ed set up)...
  13. W

    I got a 4/30 on my maths extension...

    hey... as clearly shown I hate my results :,( I was wondering if I could turn this around. And if so how? I would love some help and some resources for algebra and functions practice websites! Thank you so much yall!!
  14. W

    Any help?

    Thank you so much!! : D your help is greatly appreciated <3
  15. W

    About ATAR and my struggles with time management! : ) (Yr 11)

    time management is rlly hard for me in yr 11 and I am failing/not understanding every subject I am doing so I would like some help! People who got an ‘good’ mark/are considered as an academic weapon in eng adv, maths ext 1, physics how did yall do it? (ps I am naturally dumb aaaa) Any help would...
  16. W

    Doing really bad in year 11

    Honestly, I fucked everything up too for last term (yr 11) 😭 and I am having the issues of feeling helpless, worthless and stupid, but hey we can only improve : ) hope u get the marks you want this term <33
  17. W

    Any help?

    Hey thanks a lot! My studying style is horrible rn, I was struggling rlly bad with my mental health last term (not only due to school but other issues too) so it was really hard for me to do any work so I just ended up doing the assignments we get each week (distance ed) which were just 12...
  18. W

    Pls help a dying student 😭

    Ah thank you so much!! Any advice on time management? Srry if I am asking too much :)
  19. W

    Pls help a dying student 😭

    Maths and physics (mostly maths which I failed my exam ;,( ) I just don’t know how to study effectively…