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  1. youraverageangel

    moey darling this is why i rejected you

    moey darling this is why i rejected you
  2. youraverageangel

    Practicing english moulding skills

    what are the pros and cons of memorising essays? Would it be ok to just know your themes and quotes and their analyses really well and know a large variety of them?
  3. youraverageangel

    2024 HSC Chat

  4. youraverageangel

    I’ve heard that if a class has less than 8 people, rankings don’t matter.

    also howd u manage to get that train wreck thing under ur username
  5. youraverageangel

    I’ve heard that if a class has less than 8 people, rankings don’t matter.

    same dilemma here but i got like 2 kids and im 1st but does it matter?
  6. youraverageangel


    but your either 1st or 2nd which also means last but its also second, ykwim so do the ranks really matter or..
  7. youraverageangel


    no its just no one wanted to do my subject-
  8. youraverageangel


    do ranking really matter if there are only 2 kids in your entire class??
  9. youraverageangel

    a break after trials

    your signature changed, ma'am?
  10. youraverageangel

    Is this a good degree?

    What about their space engineering degree? How's that?
  11. youraverageangel

    a break after trials

    oh god that must've sucked
  12. youraverageangel

    a break after trials

    hey so i had my last hsc trial on thursday just wanted to ask the older cohorts, how many days did you take off after trials to recharge before the grind for the hsc exams?
  13. youraverageangel

    What hair style do u got

    i sincerely felt that you would not be able to handle this much beauty, Moey 😍
  14. youraverageangel

    What hair style do u got

    this is mine
  15. youraverageangel

    bucket list

    what do you think I am? Guy or girl?
  16. youraverageangel

    bucket list

    why are u taking this so seriously bro learn to take a joke
  17. youraverageangel

    bucket list

    guys im literally joking dont take it seriously lmao