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  1. MetalHeadBaller

    General thoughts: Mathematics

    For question 10 b) iii: Did anyone get a numerical answer? Or was it supposed to be algebraic?
  2. MetalHeadBaller

    The most hated/ tricky question in 2 unit 2008

    Did anyone get a numerical value for the area or was it meant to be in algebraic form?
  3. MetalHeadBaller

    Thesis statements/Notes on Skrzynecki and others

    Ty bro! that defenition is both succinct and open to interpretation making it "The perfect defenition" (for me ofcoarse cos i'm not saying there isn't better stuff out there but yeah...)
  4. MetalHeadBaller

    Help, im pregnant and 15.

    I'm not saying i'm an expert on this, but I am a catholic myself and I am 17 years of age. The longer you hide this situation from your family, the worse it will be when the truth comes out. You have said you're a catholic meaning you would know priests. My advice would be to talk to a priest...