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  1. Tulipa

    Commitment, or lack thereof.

    If you're still having fun with them and are happy with the arrangement, why bother trying to changing it? That being said, if it's more along the lines of being casual in a non-exclusive sense and you want to be exclusive, it might be something to talk about more. If it's been eight months and...
  2. Tulipa

    How do I know if he's gay?

    Um. No. It's not about having a feminine or masculine personality, it's about whether or not you have a dick. There are exceptions I guess, but if he's gay then leave it alone.
  3. Tulipa


    It's the latter. Rock up to the chemist, ask for it, answer a few questions and ta dah, all sorted.
  4. Tulipa


    That would be epic. That's basically what the old $30 did for me anyways. $8 is a fucking steal though.
  5. Tulipa

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    Yeah. So. I'm not getting married. So jealousy isn't really an issue. I also like how you ignored my other two rational posts and then went off on a tangent about "issues" and how people who don't date to marry or have "criteria" MUST then attract men who are abusive and will ruin their lives...
  6. Tulipa

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    Okay. So now that we've established that you are a completely superficial person who wants a robot for a girlfriend, I think we can also establish that you will be alone until you start to appreciate the nuances of people instead of a generic mould. Y/N?
  7. Tulipa

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    Weirdo. Seriously, do you not see how by detailing people down to mere criteria, you're cheapening the complex actuality of their personalities?
  8. Tulipa

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    This thread made me facepalm about twelve thousand times. I have been in love twice. Both times with people that do not fit into boxes, who cannot be simplified down to basic characteristics and who are profoundly different. A list of "criteria" does not make up a person. No matter what it...
  9. Tulipa

    sex vs oral sex

    True... But skilled tongue > small cock any day in my books.
  10. Tulipa

    sex vs oral sex

    I'd say that depends. I've met tongues who are far better than some of the 'doodles' out there.
  11. Tulipa

    sex vs oral sex

    Um. Ew. Girls give the best head ever. Hands down.
  12. Tulipa

    sex vs oral sex

    Lies. Sex > oral (with a guy) for me.
  13. Tulipa

    Public display of affection

    I really really hate those teenagers who literally eat each other's faces in public. Hold hands and hug all you want (even random kisses are okay) but as soon as I can see saliva... PDAs like that shit me off so badly. That being said, I was stupidly drunk once and ended up making out like...
  14. Tulipa

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    You sound like you're pretty much made up your mind. You don't want to date her, you're just not sure how to be friends with her. Stop hooking up with her and throw yourself into being a bigger slut than you normally are for awhile and you'll probably get over her.
  15. Tulipa

    animal collective aus tour 09

    Brilliant. They're playing the Enmore on my best friend's birthday. That's her birthday present sorted.
  16. Tulipa

    Intelligence difference and BF/GF capability

    Yeah. From original post: .
  17. Tulipa

    Intelligence difference and BF/GF capability

    Nah. I just think they have a pretty silly view of things. The moronic airhead comment was a hypothetical scenario.
  18. Tulipa

    Intelligence difference and BF/GF capability

    Look. This is a pretty silly question. I'm going to emphasise what I already said: people like who they like. What degree you're doing has pretty much 0 to do with it. Some people are naive enough to think like this. The majority aren't.
  19. Tulipa

    Intelligence difference and BF/GF capability

    You're kidding right? She got a higher UAI. Which means she was probably better at memorising and maybe had slightly more willpower or self discipline. People like who they like. It doesn't matter what freaking degree you're doing. If they're a moronic airhead who can't string two words...
  20. Tulipa

    Fun With CONDOMS!!

    Well. I'm hoping you've never had random anonymous sex in a bathroom. But if you were on the pill and only with one partner then I guess that makes sense. Although, I still preach getting tested at least once a year if you ever go bareback. Just in case.