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  1. toisthbe

    EAS, ACCESS SCHEME: is it true that u can't apply if u only have max. youth allowance

    i posted a thread earlier like this, one guy said he got through wif youth allowance only..
  2. toisthbe

    quanta to quarks

    nah its alright i did my physics trials today, i ripped it at least 80..woot..40% woohhoo.
  3. toisthbe

    transferring unis

    oki, if i wanna do bachelor of business, which is like 93.25 at UTS.... wat other course should i do if my uai doesn't get it, and i dont get the course...and i really wana do this course too..
  4. toisthbe

    transferring unis

    how about moving from low uai to high uai degree, say if u average credit? is it possible?
  5. toisthbe

    Are u going 2 skool regularly after trials??

    yeh i got 2 letters...saying i hav unexplained absences..wat a load of..shh...he probably tried to call me but i was on the net..hahahha
  6. toisthbe


    australian stock exchange ;p
  7. toisthbe

    transferring unis

    i'm in highschool.. wats all this about transferring courses or transferring unis.. is it that common? or is it like only those wif distinction averages? transfering courses? can u go from bacholor of commerce/economics to bacholor of business? or something? is it rare or common? is...
  8. toisthbe


    no not where most stupid ppl ride there bikes so that u havta walk to the side so u wont get crashed.... ;] but the thing related to highschool... i've heard of it, jus a little.. way back.. and today my friends were talkin about it..i'm not really clear about it...can som1 clarify...
  9. toisthbe

    asking about courses

    i dono but doesn't she need them to look back on, say for those big exams? or is it, every term, u use new books, and then forget about them...?
  10. toisthbe

    quanta to quarks

    anyone got a site wif a good summary of quant to quarks plz post it here... thanx.
  11. toisthbe

    All about music

    hao xin fen shou by candy lo the songs quite old i think.. i dono wats being sung, nor wat the title means, but it songs good, esp the duet..
  12. toisthbe


    25 units? band 6 in 10 subjects? i hate this guy, i really really hate him..
  13. toisthbe

    Did anyone else stuff up???

    i did ext2 math 2day... i almost chucked the paper out of the window, cos i'm next to a window.. i practically did less than half the paper... oh well.. UWS here i come!
  14. toisthbe

    Playing the piano

    long story coming.. dont read if u dont wanna... anyway, my sister the older more mature smarter one, as asian parent would see.. wanted to learn to play the piano.. so they bought a piano, and said son 'do u want to come to lessons as well?', i'm like 'fine fine', after half a year...
  15. toisthbe

    asking about courses

    i'm in year 12, my sis is 1st year in uni, b/business majoring in a/cing and finance, i think... say i'm really dumb ;], and i cant get her course...cos my uai is lower... does anyone know of any courses that relate to bbusiness that uses the same or related books... cos mom (single...
  16. toisthbe

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    oh crap oh damn, oh crap.. oh crap..again, did i say crap!? crap!
  17. toisthbe

    Colesmyer - Kmart

    oh oh ask her wat they asked plz??? yeh all my friends got into kmart, cept one, who is like u, got into gras bros...eheheh
  18. toisthbe

    Access Scheme

    most people wake up around that time even though school starts at 8:50am...hehehe unless u're disadvtanged because u live in the country, and theres no schools, so u havta travel really far...
  19. toisthbe

    Study Hours

    i find i get more study when i'm out of school.. and in the library... when i'm at home i don start studyin until like 10pm..(bad habit, cos i'm an insomniac)... i study on my bed (bad habit, my chair hurts)... until 2am around..then wake up l8...and probably jig that on.. does...