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  1. C

    Does God exist?

    Created sick and commanded to be well :D
  2. C

    Does God exist?

    This line is useless, it's like asking why newborn babies are being punished no one is innocent or good, everyone is evil and rotten mankind are pathetic, vile creatures with no redeeming features, since we didn't do what we were told in the garden ...but the universe was created with...
  3. C

    Rules for Customers

    they had to fulfill quotas :D
  4. C

    Does God exist?

    telomere replication, just for one thing off the top of my head but you apparently know so much more about DNA than us, lol
  5. C

    Does God exist?

    fuck you, just for looking at that woman with lust in your eye, i'm creating smallpox
  6. C

    Does God exist?

  7. C

    Does God exist?

    jesus h. fucking christ on a bicycle built for two my year 9's have a better understanding of the nature of science than you do :cool:
  8. C

    Does God exist?

    i'm saying that you too, are a fundie!
  9. C

    Does God exist?

    hey if there was a 100% definitive genetic test that could determine if someone was going to be a homosexual in the early stages of pregnancy, would you support abortions for these people? :D
  10. C

    Rules for Fat People

    only in your western notion of health & beauty >=[ EDIT: don't you realise that by being skinny you're conforming to the image created for you by the patriarchy?
  11. C

    can u like/love someone over the net?

    for what it's worth, the vast majority of rapes are by people who know the victim IRL, or date rapes, which happen at a bar or club or something. Someone u meet online is no more or less likely to have evil intentions than someone u meet IRL, lol, and if you've got half a brain it takes 5...
  12. C

    Rules for Fat People

    but self esteem!
  13. C

    Rules for Fat People

    lol when i finished year 12 i was 69kg, now i'm around 85-90 but I haven't either got fat or worked out :D
  14. C

    Rules for Customers

    no that's why they have the "incompetent high school kid/customer is always right" character, so they can act shocked/offended when you say that, since the idea is that you are a stupid kid who doesn't know what he's talking about. Trying to explain just makes them more indignant The only way...
  15. C

    Rules for Customers

    they aren't stupid, they know fully well what the special actually is, they're just trying to use the "omg bad service from young kids/the world is falling apart" line to scam you :D
  16. C

    Rules for Customers

    Ask them if they'll give you a cigarette, brudda
  17. C

    World Youth Day

    Well I already covered that by pointing out that secular historians agree that Matthew didn't write the Gospel, it came 2 or 3 generations after Christ and borrows extensively from Mark.
  18. C

    World Youth Day heh for such a momentous event it's not mentioned in many sources outside the bible really
  19. C

    World Youth Day

    the earlier jihad-ists were pretty willing to die (and kill, usually kill) for Islam, so it must be true by the same reasoning... the only difference is there more of them and there's a better historical record, lol
  20. C

    Interracial relationships

    Does ur bf have one of them bones thru his nose? :D