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    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Java is shit why do people use it? fucks sakes it so slow my fucking PHONE lags cause it has JAVA on it. Hate weird frameworks on non iphones even Symbian they should all code it assembly/microcode/binary
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    ITT: Post sweet 80s songs

    Riet played guitar Jamming good with weirdo zoe and The Spider from Mars he played her left hand but made it too far
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    Obama Addresses the Middle East

    good work barry, now for final movement in ur concert, ...
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    SciTech library computer hogs

    Are u serz these are like the best labs ever the computers are hectic
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    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    evil, do you think i shouild drop my science degree
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    Quitting Smoking

    Hate you
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    Quitting Smoking

    fuck up you piece of shit
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    Python and xULrunner

    stop stalkin my post cunt
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    Python and xULrunner

    For anyone who is interested in creating apps with guis without having to learn a gigantic oop framework such as qt, check out python and xulrunner Python XULRunner application Basically, using mozilla's engine you can use create graphical interfaces using XUL which is a HTML-like language for...
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    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    LOL i am d/loading all the course materials for course i am doing next year
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    Federal Budget 2009-10

    schroedinger if you hate the budget so much THEN WHY ARE YOU ON ITS WEBSITE
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    Federal Budget 2009-10

    You know who had Rudd propaganda in his signature? nebucadnezzar/ben netanyahu
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    im glad my face makes you laugh :(

    im glad my face makes you laugh :(
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    Cheap protein powder

    hmm how come my protein powder has 130 g of carbs p/serve in it? lol
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    Cheap protein powder

    how much carbs
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    whenever i do a squat it hurts cause of the first bone in my spine, its annoyin
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    Quitting Smoking

    try champix mate