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  1. J

    Maths-Ext 1/2 Marks Lost and Hardest Topics

    How'd you do in terms of marks for both of those subjects, if you don't mind me asking?
  2. J

    Maths-Ext 1/2 Marks Lost and Hardest Topics

    Hey everyone !! For Maths ext-1 and 2, which topics do you guys find the hardest and why? Also, which topics do most band 6 (or E4) students lose marks on?
  3. J

    Acceptable handwriting in English essays?

    My teacher doesn't let me use bottled anymore lol, i spilt it on one of the English, brank spanking new tables, and now its sapped so deep that it will never be removed. So i have to sit there every lesson lol
  4. J

    Acceptable handwriting in English essays?

    Pilot Prera something something i think, it was pretty expensive tho
  5. J

    Acceptable handwriting in English essays?

    Ahaha aw, im sure you can improve, believe in yourselffff!!
  6. J

    Acceptable handwriting in English essays?

    Have you actually tried writing like that? I tried and I'm using a fountain pen and still, my hand is cramping. But I'm not really worried, 2 years till my HSC english but I'm still managing 1250 words comfortably in 40 minutes so woohooooo!