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  1. WeiWeiMan

    What is the hardest Mathematics Extension 2 topic?

    wdym vectors are nice but fucked (14cii 2023)
  2. WeiWeiMan

    What is the hardest Mathematics Extension 2 topic?

    i fucking hate integral applications, dumbest topic fuck 3u i definitely don't wish for more integral applications ngl i have a love hate relationship with this dumb subject
  3. WeiWeiMan

    What is the hardest Mathematics Extension 2 topic?

    ngl i find complex the hardest of the 3 i've done (proof, complex, integrals) [i haven't done recurrence relations yet nor calculus proofs]
  4. WeiWeiMan


  5. WeiWeiMan


  6. WeiWeiMan

    Are there a lot of job opportunities for bachelor of arts

    Online English Tutor via zoom/facetime etc
  7. WeiWeiMan

    subject selections (did I make the right choice?)

    mid take on the level of saying aot is mid
  8. WeiWeiMan

    Are there a lot of job opportunities for bachelor of arts

    Highschool English Teacher, Highschool Geography Teacher and Highschool History Teacher just to name a few.
  9. WeiWeiMan

    Taylor vs Ariana

    you straight up hate popular music?
  10. WeiWeiMan

    subject selections (did I make the right choice?)

    Cracked Asian 5 Bio ain’t a prerequisite for med and if anything usually chemistry is (I think)
  11. WeiWeiMan

    Football discussion thread

    Big switchup you pulled
  12. WeiWeiMan

    Football discussion thread

    Nah I can rainbow flick trust me Genuinely why are you so toxic? Planning to do 2u and 3u in yr9 is cool and all but should you really put others down for it? >:c wtf
  13. WeiWeiMan

    jump and land on your knees

    jump and land on your knees
  14. WeiWeiMan

    Football discussion thread

    no you're not
  15. WeiWeiMan

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    second to third line is just standard integration tho and i thought the algebra thingo was just generally taught in 3u diff equ?
  16. WeiWeiMan

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    2023 question 14cii is harder but everyone else NAH imo: 2022: 14a free 14b super hard wtf 14c hard 14d hard 2023: 14a free 14b medium 14ci medium 14cii impossible
  17. WeiWeiMan

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    huh rly correct me if i'm getting the wrong question cuz i didn't bother checking the 2022 paper but was it that volume where u ahd to find k=4 or 2 (idk) or smth? that didn't require any 4u methods? edit: nevermind u were talking about 14a how's that 4u methods that's just differential equations
  18. WeiWeiMan

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    bro the intended 3u solution aint gonna be a solution that's only in 4u
  19. WeiWeiMan

    Football discussion thread

    blue is better