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  1. P

    Syd Uni study dayz in hols?

    Yer im goin to the business one on monday then the alli brandi one on wednesday. Any one goin to any of them ? If so email me.
  2. P

    Movie qoutes

    witness just the movie witness by peter weir thanx
  3. P

    Movie qoutes

    hey guys, any one know any sites that provide qoutes from a specific move?
  4. P

    "Witness" by Peter Weir

    Witness THANKS Well i have to present one A3 poster on the following but in visual form: - How Rachel sees the issue of law and justice in Mainstream society. - How Rachel sees the issue of love in Mainstream society. Maybe if u can give me some examples how Rachel sees...
  5. P

    "Witness" by Peter Weir

    Plse i need help wif my assessment. Any one know any sites or notes for the movie "Witness" by Peter Weir. Any one else studying the same movie.
  6. P

    Assessment Task Coming up

    ok ohh k, u currently in yr 12 i mean yr11/12 ?
  7. P

    Assessment Task Coming up

    thanx thanx, delany college, urself
  8. P

    Assessment Task Coming up

    Thanx Thanx
  9. P

    Assessment Task Coming up

    :chainsaw: Any one have a business assessment cumn up? How did use all study ????