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    HSC Economics tuition

    Economics tutor in sydney northwest area, trial lesson $15/hr, 96 in 2005 hsc, pls email if interested to discuss further
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    standard deviation

    just wondering, is sample and population standard deviation in the syllabus, coz my txtbook doesnt have it, they just have standard deviation but then sample and population standard deviation came up in my skool's trial....
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    where can i get access to past catholic trial papers?
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    where can i get access to past catholic trial papers?
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    where can i get access to past catholic trial papers?
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    where can i get access to past catholic trial papers?
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    where can i get access to past catholic trial papers?
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    where can i get access to past trial papers?
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    where can i gain access to pass catholic trial papers?
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    help wif arab-israeli conflict essay~~

    i got an assessment coming up wif the question: Assess the contribution of the Intifada to the development of nationalism in the Arab-Israel Conflict between 1987-1996. can anyone gimme any ideas or help? thx
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    help needed wif Trotsky question~~

    hi guys~ just wondering if anyone out there can give me some advises or ideas on these questions i got for my assessment. 1) Describe the significant influences on the ideology of Leon Trotsky. 2)'Despite his socilist idealism, Leon Trotsky was, in fact, a practical revolutionary.' In...
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    HELP! modern history assessment~~

    thanx for that, it was helpful~~~
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    HELP! modern history assessment~~

    hi guys, i just received this assessment on the National Study-Russia and the Soviet Union 1917-1945, the question is 'Assess the impact of collectivisation and dekulakisation upon the modernisation of the USSR up to 1934" i was just wondering if anyt of you guys can give me some advises on...
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    Not seeing your loved one on Valentines day

    everyday is valentine's day as long as u r with the one who u love...