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  1. Shadowdude

    Paying for first date????

    or of course just order water
  2. Shadowdude

    Paying for first date????

    unless she physically pulls out her wallet you pay I thought that was the dilemma: "with first d8s girls don't usually pay... so if two girls go on a date... who pays?!"
  3. Shadowdude

    Hating Uni - wanting to drop out

    What uni and degree are you doing?
  4. Shadowdude

    Economics major at UNSW vs USYD

    You can get three majors, you'll just have to stay back even more. It's a special study plan. And you're doing your HSC this year. I can tell you that very close to 0% of us care about cost, because we'll pay it back eventually anyway and if it's going to help you become more employable, surely...
  5. Shadowdude

    Economics major at UNSW vs USYD

    If you want economics honours and a maffs major, do Eco/Science, with a major in maths with Science. That should solve your problem. Adv Maths is compulsory Honours in maths.
  6. Shadowdude

    Economics major at UNSW vs USYD

    great (you'll need to be more specific) And I think you'll find it's 5 years including the Honours year - so that may answer your query
  7. Shadowdude

    Economics major at UNSW vs USYD

    nek minnit prize award committee is just usyd old boys club
  8. Shadowdude

    programming languages?

    what I thought Python was like super difficult and esoteric nek minnit one star difficulty of learning
  9. Shadowdude

    Economics major at UNSW vs USYD

    Well yeah because UNSW has a B Economics
  10. Shadowdude

    The UNSW Scaling Thread

    You did the Maple test? Why didn't you say so - I supervised the test! I could've helped :( And yes 1131 scales down.
  11. Shadowdude

    Getting a part-time job

    Why not try non-standard jobs? My first ever job was football referee, and then my second ever job was Maple consultant - i.e. helping first years with the computing component of their first year maffs courses at uni. None of this retail or maccas crap. And I get better memories out of it...
  12. Shadowdude


    You can do it during Semester 2
  13. Shadowdude

    MATH1041 vs ACCT1511?

    Why MATH1041? Why not some other maths course? Or have you pin-pointed MATH1041 specifically?
  14. Shadowdude

    The Tennis Thread

    so you're saying... if i put money on it, i could come out on top? :p
  15. Shadowdude

    A good course for a maths student?

    What courses have you done and enjoyed?
  16. Shadowdude

    A good course for a maths student?

    MATH2400 - if you liked discrete, you'll do well in this Also you can take computing, I'd recommend COMP1917
  17. Shadowdude

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Actually it went on for an hour... The story stretches from March 2011 to April 2015. Of course most of the action comes between October 2014 and now, and a good third of the story is what happened at the cruise...
  18. Shadowdude

    The Tennis Thread

    fluke win
  19. Shadowdude

    Finding Horizontal Pt of Inflexion

    Inflextion? wtf