Search results

  1. T

    Spectrum cultural ideas festival (aka: win iPods and get free food!)

    - 1Time4thePpl: hah, don't you think they thought of that? you have to register online AND sign in on the day. Phanatical: it's not a USyd event, it's organised by the Ethnic Communities Council and there will be delegates from all over NSW. People are travelling from much further than the...
  2. T

    Spectrum cultural ideas festival (aka: win iPods and get free food!)

    I'm plugging SPECTRUM: a very cool event. No, it's not the employment agency or the refraction of light thingy, but the first ever state-wide conference, run by and for multicultural youth. You must attend. Info: register and get the program at You can...
  3. T

    PSYC1001 timetable

    Thanks a lot guys!
  4. T

    WiFi at Usyd?

    Well...I'm using it right now, and it worked for me all last year. The library IT dude set it up for me. Erratum from previous: VPN, not VPS.
  5. T

    WiFi at Usyd?

    Coverage: best in libraries, scarce in lecture theatres. Ease: a bitch to set up (at least for this semi-computer-illiterate Mac user). You need to download VPS and configure all this shit and set up your browser. Not for the layman, but ok for you techies I suppose. I got the Fisher IT...
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    Does it make me a tightarse if I....

    If you have the cash on hand, consider buying the textbooks, keeping them in good condition, and reselling.
  7. T

    PSYC1001 timetable

    Does anyone have the lecture timetable for PSYC1001? Just day, time and room. I'm a second-year (Arts/Law) considering switching to Psych. It requires a huge reshuffle in my degree so I haven't enrolled yet, but I want to have a taste of what it's like. Ta muchly.