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  1. Tim the Wiz

    The Bush Legacy

    Certainly, large measures of truth here. As for Iraq, I don't think it would have been seen in such a negative light now if the tenuous claims of WMDs were not made, real multilateral support was sought, real inroads had already been made in efforts against Al Qaeda and bin Laden, and the...
  2. Tim the Wiz

    Dr President Ron Paul

    Very well. Austrian economists might think their school of thought distinctive, but I beg to differ. It gets bogged down in producing meta-economics and few results of actual substance - although it should be noted that their contributions here are considerable. In fact, when contrasting their...
  3. Tim the Wiz

    Dr President Ron Paul

    Yes, us black people don't deserve our civil rights, how hillarious! I guess Liverpool fans have to take their anger out somewhere. :P Anyway, latest polls (for NH): Looks like Obama has the Democrat vote. Hillary is looking pretty distant at present. A tight race between McCain and Romney...
  4. Tim the Wiz

    Dr President Ron Paul

    Is this a joke? At least this man has a valid reason for his dislike of Obama.
  5. Tim the Wiz

    Dr President Ron Paul

    The hell does this have to with anything. Edwards won that debate though, but from the way he was pandering to Obama it looks like a Obama/Edwards ticket with the latter as Vice President.
  6. Tim the Wiz

    Intriguing Question For The Ladies

    You mean code for your own ignorance and understanding of anything beyond your own narrow world view? I'm not even angry, just disappointed.
  7. Tim the Wiz

    Has anyone read all over Dan Brown's books?

    Yes. They're overrated but solid light fiction with an interesting background to an otherwise cliche-ridden plotline. Angels and Demons is my favourite, though. Had some great twists.
  8. Tim the Wiz

    Intriguing Question For The Ladies

    Yes, I'm African, I'm black, and you're a fucking twat.
  9. Tim the Wiz

    Intriguing Question For The Ladies

    Luckily, quite a few of the girls here disagree with you. Still, I've found more success in countries outside of Australia. Don't want to call you guys racist or anything, but the acceptance of black people into Australian culture is still fairly recent. I even noticed someone in this thread...
  10. Tim the Wiz

    No more Africans

    Amen. For the most part, people are scared of what they don't know. We saw this with the influx of Greeks/Italians and Asians, and now we're seeing this with Africans. The history of racial discrimination that African people in general have received doesn't help, and the manner in which this...