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  1. R

    UAI Estimate

    what school if its top 200 id easily say 90-95.
  2. R

    Top 30 school UAI estimate please.

    I go to nbhs wondering if possible for me to achieve a 93+ UAI ranks are as follows Maths 2unit : 25/9x (aiming for 91~95 in hsc) Last year 87% students got 5+ Maths 3unit : 5x/6x (aiming for E3 40ish/50 in hsc, ranked droped to 5x due to bombing out in an assesment) Last year 87% students...
  3. R

    Differentiation of Trig Functions

    sin(pi-x) is compound angle = sinacosb-cosasinb sinpicosx-cospisinx which will be left for 3unit... that is assuming that pi is not a constant if following your logic :P
  4. R

    Selective Schools

    bit late but im y12 student at normo and last year we got quite a few band 6's (top16 or so ranks) and the ly be otop 80% of grade got a band 5 or above in english but its known to not particullarur schools strength. True teaching in some perspective is poor but really its for the environment...
  5. R

    Estimate UAI

    Hey currently in selective high school I was wondering if I could grab estimate UAI and if im still able to get >91 Subjects : English Advanced Rank : 70/121 (above average) Maths 2unit : =25/84 (Above average top 60 ranks or so get band 6) Maths 3unit : 47/58 (below average.. mark was...
  6. R

    can some1 estimate my uai

    If they were final HSC marks 70's I would say because of the poor scaling of General Maths and biology however Extension history would pull it up so maybe mid 70's low 80's
  7. R

    UAI help please

    Im sitting the HSC in 2008 and im wondering what UAI I will be recieveing with the target/aim of mark range that im going for. Physics (attempt to get in top 10 ranks and get band 6) /63 Business (attempt to get top 5 ranks and get band 6) /39 Maths 2unit (Attempt to get into top half of grade...
  8. R

    1/2 yearli test!

    ours was quite difficult our highest mark was 84% =/ and the lowest was 30% Marks ranged around the 35~65%. Aparently though our school does very well in engineering and everyone last year managed to score a band 6.