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  1. S

    Traveling faster than C(yes i screwed the name up so i made a new one)

    so how fast relative to the observer is the partical going?
  2. S

    Traveling faster than C(yes i screwed the name up so i made a new one)

    Know whats funny your picking up on something i didn't say, i only just realised i never said what the faster chamber would see. Because i simply didn't have time to think about it. Now that i think about it, we are way way away from what i originally asked...
  3. S

    Traveling faster than C(yes i screwed the name up so i made a new one)

    Fare enough, so would they be actually traveling at that speed?
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    Traveling faster than C(yes i screwed the name up so i made a new one)

    I'm pretty sure you'll find that chamber a is traveling at .4C relative to chamber B. for instance say we made a car going at .01C(A) and another car traveling at .015C(B).Both are not Accelerating!! If we made A the point of reference(0) then B is traveling at .005C in reference to them. This...
  5. S

    Traveling faster than C(yes i screwed the name up so i made a new one)

    I think one of the things i should have mentioned was that from the point of reference C the the object inside both accelerators I believe may appear in different way's(because this is only a theory that is untested and i haven't sat down and thought about it) I'll do that sometime and get an...
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    Traveling faster than C(yes i screwed the name up so i made a new one)

    your talking about velocity and speed, but I'm talking about relativity. there two different things. because its not about addition its about the frames of reference. For instance if we accelerated two chambers next to each other with a crew inside both. Chamber A was accelerated to .5C and the...
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    Traveling faster than C(yes i screwed the name up so i made a new one)

    Well Acorting to the different frames of reference you are not going faster than the speed of light so therefore the first frame would be going twice as slow as the second, if the observer was in the third frame of reference. Aerath. No not really, although i do enjoy the mind equations.
  8. S

    Traveling faster than C(yes i screwed the name up so i made a new one)

    Hey Well I asked my teacher this Question and i got a confused look, so read carefully. We all know that the speed of light is constant to the frame of reference, According to relativity. Therefore If i took 2 partical accelerators and placed one inside the other, and accelerated the inner...
  9. S

    Relativity Conundrum

    Well as they have said C is Constant in all frames of reference, so you'll see yourself and they will see you, but it will look like you have contracted as well as the mirror according to relativity.
  10. S

    Traveling faster than the speed of like.

    Hey Well I asked my teacher this Question and i got a confused look, so read carefully. We all know that the speed of light is constant to the frame of reference, According to relativity. Therefore If i took 2 partical accelerators and placed one inside the other, and accelerated the inner...
  11. S

    You Can Escape a black hole!!

    Actually, It is possible but really confusing, and pretty much impossible. Because we all know light is constant to the frame of reference that you are in, so therefore if you have 3 accelerators inside of each other and accelerated each one to just below the speed of light then therefore you...