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  1. bored of sc

    IMMENSELY confused about the exam question for Representation and Text

    Your related texts do NOT need to have the same events, situations and personalities as those in your prescribed text, but they can. We're doing the Smithsonian website September 11 - Bearing Witness to History as our prescribed text. For my related texts I plan to do a television...
  2. bored of sc

    History & Memory: I was only nineteen

    If you're having trouble relating it to History an Memory I suggest you choose a different related text. The text is a song --> so you should analyse lyrics as you would analyse poetry but also analyse the use of musical concepts such as pitch, duration etc (doing the subject music helps)...
  3. bored of sc

    The HSC is okay. I'm not too confident going into trials in a few weeks but I'm also not...

    The HSC is okay. I'm not too confident going into trials in a few weeks but I'm also not freaking out just yet. How's the HSC going for you?
  4. bored of sc

    One major concern of studying for the HSC is....

    One major concern of studying for the HSC is that people blow the studying aspect totally out of proportion and concentrate purely on school. This often leads to burn outs, disappointments and mild depression.
  5. bored of sc

    Essay Structure?

    It seriously depends on how you like to answer questions. A basic body paragraph's internal structure which works generally quite well is Point, quote, comment i.e. technique/idea, example/quote, effect/analysis while linking explicitly back to the question/your main thesis. That is a little...
  6. bored of sc

    another one of those uai threads.

    I don't get what you're asking? Do you want to know what kind of UAI you're in for with those results?? Hmm... Who knows? Sounds like you're doing fine but if you up the ante you can do even better i.e. the difference between a 90 UAI and a 95 sometimes boils down purely to...
  7. bored of sc

    What has Shakespeare taught you?

    That humanity is severely messed up and we are all ego-monsters.
  8. bored of sc

    How do you see certain UAI ranks as?

    I see 80+ as really good. I see 90+ as hard to achieve without solid study. I see 95+ as my realistic aim. I see 98.5+ as my idealistic aim.
  9. bored of sc

    Is there still a chance to boost ur marks?

    There better still be time/assessment weighting to boost your marks. I am going terrible at the moment.
  10. bored of sc

    How much are you stressing due to the HSC?

    Too much. I did this in year 10 too. It's super annoying because I always come out on top. The stressing is just doubts overpowering my abilities.
  11. bored of sc

    HSC Exam

    I sure hope you're right and we get 4 essays and a short story. That would be great.
  12. bored of sc

    How did you go in your half yearlies?

    Tanya08 - yes you can.
  13. bored of sc

    Hsc Marathon 2009 - Chemistry

    Oh yeah, thanks.
  14. bored of sc

    Question about marking

    You're right. Personal opinions should not affect the marking process. It's how well you compose an answer and address syllabus content etc that determines your mark. So I think you should be okay to use it for the HSC.
  15. bored of sc

    I heard that there was a change in the Hamlet syllabus..?

    Same. Not too sure of the details. I think it took away the critical reception part i.e. how Hamlet has been received and valued over time and has changed it to a greater emphasis on language and the associated techniques.
  16. bored of sc

    Are there English Advanced students who do not enjoy English?

    YES!!! I was talked into doing it because some teachers thought I was good at English. I'm doing okay, but I hate it sooooo much. Actually its okay in parts.
  17. bored of sc

    What ranks do I need to score a UAI of 95-99+?

    Consistently high. Top 10% of people in all subejcts would be handy.
  18. bored of sc

    Anil's ghost-help!

    Sounds like extension 1 english. Post in that forum since the people there will be doing this subject and know something about it i.e. can't help you since I know nothing about the topic.
  19. bored of sc

    Subject Combos

    My subject combination is pretty uncommon to be honest i.e. I don't know anyone else who is doing it. - Advanced English - Extension 1 + 2 Maths - Chemistry - Music 1 - 1 Unit Religion