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  1. J

    Photoshop disappeared

    I run CS3 Design Premium suite. Everything work fine, even though the installer insists on 1GB RAM - I only run 512 MB. The only problems I have is with InDesign - it is extremely laggy, but besides that all the rest run perfectly. I usually run Dreamweaver and Photoshop together when designing...
  2. J

    Honour Killings

    Speechless. This is absolutely outrageous. How can a society stand back and let people commit murder in the name of honour? It is the most riduculus thing I have heard. It is about time societies like this open their eyes and realise that we are no longer primitive cavemen but we are in the...
  3. J

    Photoshop disappeared

    Sounds as though its been removed from the registry with the files still intact. Best thing to do, is to reinstall. Get a copy of it again, and reinstall. I suggest upgrading to CS3 in the process. :) It's a rather nice improvement.