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  1. L

    Your rights at uni rally

    unions are ment to be voluntary. but the union at uni isnt. hence vsu.
  2. L


    Hornsby Ku-ring Gai Hospital :)
  3. L

    hello all!

    Hello :-) I'm doing nursing! lol Kuring-gai campus.. 1st yr.. Surely their are atleast a few more nursing students? xox
  4. L

    Big Heavy Textbooks!!

    yeeeeeeeeerp plus i got a lost of like another 6 to get before next week!! *sigh* so expensive..
  5. L

    Big Heavy Textbooks!!

    well seeing as though I only have one class it doesnt really make sense to get a locker.. its just carrying them from the station and stuff... ohwell.. im not gonna take them tomorrow, coz i figure its the first lecture and theyve givin us a heap of notes to print out for it so yeh.. we'll see...
  6. L

    Big Heavy Textbooks!!

    Hey I'm studying Nursing at UTS and was givin the textbooks i needed to buy for ONE subject and not only were they expensive but they are HUGE!! Surely they don't expect me to take them to class every time?? Does anyone know if I will need to take both textbooks to class tomorrow? Because...
  7. L


    Hmm apart from the fact i think you've been largely misinformed on a few things, its not very nice to be so negetive, don't you think? I know a fair few nurses and they all love their job, and their pay is not $19 an hour lol. You're right though, it does go up every year for 8 yrs. EN and RN's...
  8. L

    2006 UTS Offers

    Bachelor of Nursing, Kuring-gai. First preference. BTW.. I'm scared! lol
  9. L

    Uni Info? :-)

    Hey i was wondering if anyone could tell me the others ways of getting into the course at uni u want if u dont get the prefered UAI? oh and if u dont get the uai is there any chance ull get in anyway?
  10. L

    Urgently need help with the Tempest TECHNIQUES

    Can anyone help me with The Tempest techniques?? Shakespearean techniques confuse me a bit and i ould really use some help!! Any help will be VERY appreciated!! Thanks :-) xx