Search results

  1. C

    Well, that's it...

    pfft, BBQ. As if you wouldn't get your BBQ cancelled because a bunch of kids toilet paper'd the shit out of the school and dumped garbage all over the grounds, causing the school to have to double their cleaning staff for a day at a greatly increased cost.
  2. C

    einstein plank

    I'm trying to think up a way to present equations/formulae/calculations to support an answer for this question, since generally they like to see you do so. Any suggestions? Maybe, "Planck's formula, E = hf, discriminates based on the colour of light (since the colour of visible light is...
  3. C

    Subjects that you regret doing

    I regret taking chemistry sometimes, because I can never seem to get my marks as high as in physics and maths. More than anything I regret the fact that my school is a piece of shit that wouldn't let me do Extension History no matter how much I begged.
  4. C

    Gingko ?

    Drink Green Tea, eat fruit/vegetables, get plenty of sleep, exercise > any combination of drugs, supplements and such.
  5. C

    how did you do in the ancient history trials???

    23/25 New Kingdom Egypt A3 - R2 23/25 Akhenaten :D 21/25 Sparta 18/25 Minoa :( Why are the Minoans even an option? Bunch of pole worshipping freaks.
  6. C

    Only 30 Days Until The Hsc!

    What's the point then? I think it's better to study only 6 hours a day and benefit from it, than to study 9 hours a day and be half asleep through most of it.
  7. C


    I'm not gonna lie to you: About 80% of the course consists of applying the Right Hand (or left hand) Rule. The rest is discussing the impact of various things on society, and using a bit of 8th grade level maths. It's not needed for 4-unit maths, the only overlap is with projectile...
  8. C

    student number

    YES It's on your School Certificate.
  9. C

    which HSC books are good?

    The Law of Buying Textbooks for the HSC* states that "the usefulness of a book is inversely proportional to its excel-ness" ie. Success One = Good, Excel = Bad. *I did NOT just make up the Law of Buying Textbooks for the HSC.
  10. C

    Your Ideal Subject Selection

    With a couple of imaginary extensions, 3 unit maths 3 unit engineering studies 3 unit physics Ancient History + extension history
  11. C

    Is anyone doing anything at school

    Chemistry, Ancient History = Finishing last topics because the classes are full of dumbasses. Other subjects = Playing poker in class.
  12. C

    HSC .. getting to you?

    I studied for about 7 hours today, and now I actually can't remember what the first subject I studied was, let alone what I was supposed to have learned from it. The moral of the story is, never study at all.
  13. C

    On Sparta

    Summary of Sparta notes :D
  14. C

    Class of 05 Post up your trial results

    84%, 1st, 2 Unit Maths 66%, 1st, 3 Unit Maths 83%, 2nd, Chemistry 83%, ??, Advanced English 92%, 1st, Physics 85%, 1st, Ancient History. At least they were all consistently bad.
  15. C

    Ranking of schools

    493... roffles