a friend of mine told me spike's gonna die and willow and a new slayer are gonna move to angel - so theres gonna be this new slayer and faith on angel .... is this true?
congratulations good old ollz....now you must merely write another 3974words! if you go at ur current rate of fire...thats at two hours a night, 13 words an hour, u'll be there in howmany years?
the moral: learn to write during the day :D
by have yo seen the video do you mean simple motions or not gonna get us? i havent seen not gonna get us and i've seen simple motions...its not particularly fantastic, regardless of the content, and it just gets bizarre at the end...the song's catchy though
no its common knowledge that they werent lesbians when they started, its just that they arent allowed to confirm/deny it...its in their contract or something
and yeah, the simple motions one was banned, so they released a different one