lol yeah
my friend - f - is very innocent - didnt really know or want to know about anything but then she changed into my group at santa and well it quite humourous. we are still trying to get her to say the f word - she has never said it and wont
lmao thats great
so u guys actually merged. i remember in year 10 everyone talking about merging but no one actually was goin to. so when did this happen?
it doesnt have to be grunge just live bands create a lively mood - though from the sounds of it we are having that already - but still
u could always have a greek one
wouldnt have a clue - too much sugar?
so who is in the group now?
it must be great with elly back in - i remember the convos before she left
yes i have been scarred by that group at woolwich - just one lunch time is mind twisting however i had 2 years
my innocent was lost with lengthy convos at that skool
though i have to say santa at times is worst then most of the convos at wool - except there are no words just images - *shudders*
we have an assessment in motors and generators - pract.
we dont know what its on so can people tell me what be a good idea to look at in the syallus and also what other people have done for pracs in this topic