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  1. G

    Union Board Election 2010

    1. Peter Hong. 2. Deb White. 3. Vivienne Moxham-Hall. 4. James Flynn. 5. Alistair Stephenson.
  2. G

    Union Board Election 2010

    Ugh, no, not an international student. Considering if international students didn't attend our university we would be losing a significant part of our revenue, I'm pretty glad they're here. The fact they've managed to use a space in Wentworth that was often empty, is a good thing, the Union has...
  3. G

    Union Board Election 2010

    I went up there the other day, it looks the same as before (minus some fancy new furniture)? Also... that's a bit racist isn't it? :S
  4. G

    Union Board Election 2010

    He made a really good impression though, I don't think he was lying, tbh, I think he's actually one of the candidates that is the most honest. He's the only one that seems like a decent person really. That Hiltin literally jumped into the middle of the group I was with when we were in class and...
  5. G

    Union Board Election 2010

    Same boat as canterbury, Peter Hong came up to me while I was at Manning. He came off really well. I also asked him about the whole different languages on signs business and he said he didn't propose that at all (I did snigger because I've been lurking in these forums for quite a while). I then...