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  1. O

    The KFC thread

    Worked there for 3 years during high school and now that I've moved away for uni I only do the occasional shift every few months when I'm back home. I don't know why people hate on KFC much. We've got a good store with awesome managers, everyone knows one another, so shifts are always pretty...
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    best timetable?

    Well I couldn't really help it, all my lectures were automatically allocated on those 3 days, and most of the options for my tutes were on those days as well. I could have chosen Thursday for one tute but there isn't much point going to uni for only one hour.
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    best timetable?

    Monday: 9 - 5 Tuesday: 10 - 6 Wednesday: 12 - 4 4 day weekend is going to be awesome.
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    Post Your 2009 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam)

    VTAC: Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Laws at Deakin University. UAC: Bachelor of Business and Commerce/Bachelor of Laws at UWS.
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    bludging from now on :)

    Same, I did nothing in year 11, and ranked pretty badly, but I applied myself in year 12 and ranked well. You just have to be able to break the bludging habit at the start of year 12 lol. And there's no point wasting your year 10 holidays to learn ahead for year 11. You'll learn the work in...
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    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    In what way lol, I don't really pay that much attention to him.
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    Interest Rate Rise

    Wait, why are interest rates still going up? Howard's been out of power for months now, weren't all the interest rate rises his fault? Whose everyone going to blame now? Same with petrol prices, apparently that was Howard's fault as well, but they still seem to be going up. Poor Labor...
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    Hillary Clinton OR Barack Obama?

    Obama all the way. George Bush Bill Clinton George W. Bush Hillary Clinton America really needs to broaden its range when looking for a new President ie. don't limit yourself to the same two families....
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    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Who's responsible? Parents, who often supply their children with alcohol, or don't control their behaviour. Us, of course lol. Our society, and its attitude towards alcohol. Rudd's solution isn't gonna change anything at all. He just wants to look like he's doing something to address the issue.
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    Advantages of being a republic..

    I'm sort of against becoming a republic. Australia has its origins with Britain, if it wasn't for Britain, we wouldn't have the country that we call Australia today. I think those British ties are very important, more so in a historical and symbolic context. It's not like the monarachy has...
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    2008 HSC Timetable

    17th October: English Advanced paper 1 20th October: English Advanced paper 2 23rd October: General Maths 24th November: Biology, Legal Studies :angry: 4th November: SDD 6th November: Chemistry Lol, 3 exams in two days is gonna suck. I'm not really looking foward to the 24th :uhoh:.