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  1. L

    General Thoughts: Biology

    i found multiple choice the hardest part of the test. The rest was pretty standard
  2. L

    General Thoughts: Biology

    yeah i'd definitely say for the multiple choice with the virus infecting cells, it's cytotoxic T cells (i luckily picked that one, was tossing it up between that and killer t cells) There is a difference- Cytotoxic t cells provide cell mediated immunity against virus that have infected cells...
  3. L

    Do you think i should go for 4 unit maths?

    Well i'm doing 3 unit at the moment and i must say i'm not doing that great at all... but i haven't been studying to be fair. In the last few years i have mainly been just coasting and getting easy 85%'s and 90%'s and this year i haven't been studying that much for 3 unit and i'm only getting...