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  1. L

    textbook Combridge Mathmatics 4unit

    Guys using the textbook Cambridge Mathmatics 4 unit, have you ever felt annoying while you solving the questions from exercises? cause the answers on the back doesn't have any solutions. and for the proof question, we don't know how to do this when we got stuck with it. So does anyone know...
  2. L

    triangle inequality (complex number)

    Hi guys, tell me how to solve these two questions please? :) 1. Show that ||z1|+|z2||<or=|z1+z2|. State the condition for equality to hold. 2. Show that |z1+z2+...+zn|<or=|z1|+|z2|+...+|zn| Seems I'm in stuck with those types of questions...
  3. L

    Complex numbers

    Thank you! I did the first two prooves but couldn't do the last two... Will you tell me again ? And is it necessary to do this proof every time in my solution? Or can I use them straight?
  4. L

    Complex numbers

    Hi guys, question from complex numbers. :) please anyone tell me the proof if z=z1×z2 then |z|=|z1|×|z2| (modulus) , if z=z1/z2 then |z|=|z1|/|z2| and if |z|=|z1|×|z2| then z=z1×z2 , if |z|=|z1|/|z2| then z=z1/z2 Thanks!