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  1. S

    Cant apply for hecs on onestopadmin.

    When i submit the E-Caf i get theis message You have successfully logged out, or have been timed out of the system. Click here to go to log back in. Is anyone expereincing this aswell ... is it coz im applying freakishly early?
  2. S

    Cadets at PKF...

    Hi there ! Are there any cadets out there going to be working at PKF chartered accountants? There is a social gathering on the 29th and was just wondering if anyone from the forums has got a cadetship wif em... so ye ...
  3. S

    Marxism in King Lear Scene! Help!

    Hi there every1 i have an assignemnet due next week and only just discovered this great place so plz any info would be really appreciated, i wish i found this forum earlier! Heres my question, What is a marxist reading of Lears speech in Act 2 Scene 4 line 258-278 begins with "O reason not...