Hey, There's a Christian Group on the CSU campus at Wagga for anyone who's interested in joining. Christian Fellowship is their name, they have a website:
Christian Fellowship
Have a look, and hopefully we'll see you at CSU when the semester starts.
ok, I know there have been many threads on this already but I live 16hrs away so its not really practical for me to come and have a tour so could some peoples please post some pics of the different rooms and stuff, it would be very much appreciated ^_^ esp. doman/butlers
thanks guys
Is it just me or have the HSC papers been getting easier over the past few years?
I'm doing them backwards and they just keep getting harder, maybe I'm just getting tired or something, but 2004, 2003 were pretty good, I was getting most of them even upto questions 7/8 but a few of the earlier...
ok, I know its the last few weeks of school and all, but my teachers are all going stark raving MAD!!! My Chem teacher wants us to teach ourselves the entire option in a week. My Physics teacher is going crazy swapping randomly around the syllabus not following any sort of logical order and I'm...
the most wrong part is the "don't do your homework" doing all the HW that my teacher has given me is probably the best way that I have learnt the topic.
etc... etc... continuing to explain it's crapness
Task Details:
Students are to compose a response that explaores the different valuing and interpretations of King Lear. (1500 words)
As part of your response you are to put yourself in the position of director and explain in detail how you would direct one scene from the play, in order to...
That's the day UAI is released, it also happens to be my 18th birthday...
My friends are all coming over for an all-nighter and we're going to find out together, plus, its a good excuse for a LAN, yay LANs
what r u guys and gals planning?
Does anyone have World of Warcraft AND decent marks? is it possible? some of my friends bought it and they aren't exactly coming 1st, but I stopped myself realising what was really important ^_^ and reminding myself I would buy it after my last exam ^_^