any comments from past students?
pretty tough..a lot of self motivated input for this course :/
doing alright for labs/tutes ~45% ish
midsem multichoice exam was pretty easy. dont know the mark yet
grp proj is going good, got abt 80% for first submission
Ok, I know theres two processes involved in localising where the radio pulse originates from:
1. Using gradient B field to change the lamor frequency along the length of the body - this differentiates the frequency at which the radio pulses return
2. Something about PHASES of the NUCLEI??
1. increase IR -> contraction on economy due to dampening of AD: consump and invest
2. increase IR -> increase FDI due to higher returns -> money to fund structural expansion (eco growth)
so which wins, in a way? since one is contractionary and the other is expansionary
also, quick question...
I know the co-op website says 95.7 UAI is required for the scholarship, but i've also read that people have received it with a UAI lower than 95.7, given they have at least received the course cut-off.
Anyone know if this is true?
Anyone have resources or websites that list and explain these pracs.
I haven't done any or seen the equipment, so pictures would help
I believe there's a practical for one of each 6 sections.
Otherwise if anyones up to it, can yu please list the experiments, equipt, cautions etc. Thanks!!
i don't think my uai will hit the average cutoff, besides i don't think i will do too well in the umat either.
im currently looking at advanced science and major in vision..transfer?
i know advanced science has uai cutoff of 92.
what are my other options? tips, suggestions?
so basically i know for an IP, f'' = 0 and there must be a concavity change.
i dont understand the concavity change and how i would test for it
im familiar with a table technique, but not exactly sure how it goes.
for a HIP, f' and f'' must = 0.
does there need to be a change in concavity...