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  1. S

    Exchange students

    Hi Guys! I'm just wondering if anybody is going off on exchange this year? Or has already been on exchange? I'm thinking of applying as a tertiary student to do community service overseas, but which organisation is the best to apply through? So far i've checked out AFS Intercultural Programs...
  2. S

    pharm party

    guys what's a pharm party? its got sumthing 2 do with drugs but what exactly is it? any1 know?
  3. S

    HAVE UR SAY- teen issues

    hey dudes. im pretti much a newbie and suffering yr 12. i seriously need ur help guys- any1 and evry1! im doing dis design n tech project where im writing a book for teens about their problems/ issues etc. u noe, like the typical and weird stuff about body image, depression, drugs, suicide...