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Search results

  1. goosiegoo

    Studying photography at Uni

    Hi there I was wondering if anyone could help me when it comes to studying photography at uni? I know the typical courses available, RMIT, CSU Wagga, UWS but I'm mainly looking at the Sydney-area (and I'm not that interested into going to UWS...) I would be willing to go to Melbourne or other...
  2. goosiegoo

    Is anyone else using CNNNN as a text?

    I'm using CNNNN for my telling the truth module, and i was wondering if anyone knew who i could credit it to? It's executive producer is Andrew Denton... and obviously it's created by the chaser boys... Any idea?
  3. goosiegoo

    2007 Finished Works

    Well, now they've been submitted, i thought i'd create a topic for anyone who felt like posting/showing their finished works! I'd love to see them all, whenever anyone is ready to show them. :D (I'll post mine soon, I just have to upload them, etc.)
  4. goosiegoo

    2007 Finished Projects

    Well, now that everyone's design projects are in, would anyone care to show some of their stuff? I'd love to see things from all the design categories if anyones willing to show them!
  5. goosiegoo

    Program - In production photos

    Hey all, I'm finishing off my program today, and I haven't got any in production photos for it. There seems to be alot of people using in production photos in their programs, and i know it's not necessary but is it recommended? I've cast professional actors for the roles, so i thought it might...
  6. goosiegoo

    What media are you using?

    Just out of curiosity, what media are you using for your BOW? I couldn't fit them all in the poll... so if you chose other feel free to tell us what it is. Edit: Annd... i forgot to make the results public. Does anyone known how/if you can change it?
  7. goosiegoo


    This may be an incredibly stupid question... but i'm a confused. I'm doing an assessment on the building programs of Ramesses II in Abydos, Nubia and Thebes, and i can't figure out what is actually counted in thebes. That is, i know the Valley of the Kings is, but what about Karnak and Luxor...
  8. goosiegoo

    Question: Program

    Hi guys. I'm doing Promotion and Program for Visions, and due to the fact that people rarely do Promotion and Program at my school, i really have no idea what i'm doing (haha, excellent). I chose it because i'm into the design aspect, but i'm ever so confused about a several aspects of it. The...
  9. goosiegoo


    Is there anyone out there doing Visions for Design this year? I'm doing it for Promotion and Program. I'm not to crazy about the play itself, but i got some strong images from it so i decided to do it... because that's all i really need. There really isn't that much information out there...
  10. goosiegoo

    New Harry Potter Theme Park announced

    I wasn't sure if this was the right place to post this... but oh well, it's news. What do you all think of this? I'm in two minds about it. On one hand i think it's pretty damn cool, and wouldn't be extremely exciting to go to... on the other hand it may be really americanised, and tacky...
  11. goosiegoo

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    What are certain things that really turn you off a guy/girl? (Apart from the obvious).
  12. goosiegoo

    '07 Year Books

    Has anyone heard much about their Yr 12 Yearbooks? (If they are getting them) I'm on the Yearbook 'committee' but we haven't really done much yet. What sort of things go in your yearbooks usually? ...Discuss :)
  13. goosiegoo

    Poster and Promotion... advice?

    Hey guys, I've recently changed my i.p. to poster and promotion (from performance) and i have a few questions regarding poster and promotion. My school doesn't tend to do poster and promotion usually, so i rarely hear about it and don't have many examples to go off. So, for starters... Am i...
  14. goosiegoo

    Housing in Pompeii and Herculaneum

    I have an assessment (oral presenation) on 'Housing in General' in Pompeii and Herculaneum (gah! so boring!) and i was wondering if anyone knew of any good resources, notes, or websites on the topic? I'm researching myself, but if anyone has anything it'd be really helpful - i need as much...
  15. goosiegoo

    Changing your ip...

    Does anyone know the cut-off date for changing your ip? I don't think i've missed it... but i wanna make sure so i don't decide to change my i.p. and then am told that i can't. Anyone? :worried:
  16. goosiegoo

    Thesis for BNW/BR

    What are your thesis statements for Brave New World/Blade Runner? I'm currently trying to figure out mine, and i could really use some inspiration for it or something to stimulate ideas (i am not going to use your thesis.. but i find reading others helps me to think of my own.) :)
  17. goosiegoo

    Writing your I.P./Monologue...

    I've recently decided i'm going to write my i.p. for drama, because... i can't seem to find a scrip that's right for what i want - and this way, hopefully i'll get just what i want. If i can do it. My drama teacher says i can, atleast. :p Anywho, i was wondering if anyone has any tips for...
  18. goosiegoo

    Yr 12 Year books...

    Hey y'all. My friends and i are doing the year book for graduating year which will basically have a.. questionnaire thingy on every student, and some pages with photos etc etc etc... but we wanted to make our yearbook especially good, a nice thing to look back on when you've finished school...
  19. goosiegoo

    Help with some creative ideas..

    Hey all. At some point in my oral rep for imaginative journey.. i wanted to do something that could demonstrate the fact that most things (in the real world) have restrictions. Like, for example.. blowing up a balloon until it pops. A balloon has it's limits in terms of how far it can be blown...
  20. goosiegoo

    Getting started with your Individual Performance

    Hey all, I'm doing the HSC in 2007.. and it's come to the time where i have to start finding something to do for my IP, but i have no inspiration.. i just don't know what to do.. and it's freaking me out because when i think of drama i'm just not enthusiastic or excited.. just stressed and...