What do you choose to use and why?
I choose lipstick because glossy lips do not suit me and I find that lipstick lasts longer. Also, I love lips that stand out. I also can't stand the sticky feeling of lip gloss. I have quite a gloss collection but I never use them.
I've tried hot pink lips...
I'm not a regular user of eyeshadows and I've been only using black so what brand would you recommend and why? I would really appreciate it if you could recommend me something good but not too pricey.
What do they mean by "creasing"?
Also, what colours do you like to use?
Also, if you had...
How do you apply face before heading out? State what you would do on a normal day (uni and work) and when going out with friends at night.
For me (in order):
Normal day:
* sunscreen
* my daytime mascara, just enough to darken my lashes, not too dramatic
* eyebrow pencil to darken brows
Things that make you feel good
Walking to uni on a sunny day, listening to my ipod.
Looking at my room after I've finished cleaning it.
Standing next to someone who smells nice.
Taking a hot shower after a workout
Don't be predictable and say stuff like jacking off or getting laid.
Anyone else here make spiders at home?
I just scoop some vanilla ice cream into a glass of coke and watch it froth. You have to eat the froth before it overflows.
Best. Drink. Ever.
I've also tried Mountain Dew with vanilla ice cream and it was alright.
What combinations have you tried?
Has anyone decided to try something to improve their health in 2010? For example, starting gym, eating less junk food and so on... (you can be more specific).
For me, I only have 2 things:
1) Go to bed early: my sleeping pattern has been fucked since I was in year 7. I really want to go to...
What mascaras have you tried and which ones are good (and bad)?
I personally go for length rather than volume and I go for dramatic rather than natural.
I've tried:
Maybelline Great Lash - was fucking shit. I'm not a makeup artist, I don't know how to work this without making my lashes look...
Which ones are good and which ones are crap?
I've tried:
Nivea - nothing amazing
Burts Bee - overhyped
Palmer's Cocoa Butter lip balm - I like it
Blistex - does its job but boring
Lip Smackers - old time favourite but I can't find Blueberry or Strawberry Kiwi comet anymore
Has anyone...
I need to find a facial moisturiser with sunscreen that doesn't feel oily and shit. I've tried a clean and clear one but it was really thick and greasy. Please suggest brands that are not too expensive (around $15) and ones that really work.
A while ago I was browsing SMH's beauty blog and I came across these recipes. I've only tried the banana and honey one (it was good) but I don't know how effective the others would be. Some of them seem too expensive to be mashed up and smothered on my face e.g. strawberries and they can get...
I don't know if this has been done yet, in here or in the movie forum but...
I've been getting into soundtracks lately and some of them are quite fantastic. I really like the ones for :
The Pianist
The Virgin Suicides
Lost in Translation (edit: Death in Vegas- Girls, been playing it for...