Hey, im doing my driving test in chatswood and i was wondering if anyone has any hints that will help. I'm not very familiar with the area, but i know that all the streets are tiny and there are all these one lane slow points and one lane speed humps and all of my friends told me its a hard area...
that was a bit evil...
i walked out after an hour and a half (cos i have software next)
it wast too hard if you could BS, but it was still a bit evil...
i hopefully passed.
what did you guys think?
Answers to past papers!
Hey SDD people!
We dont hae a past papers thread yet (trust me - ive looked)
All answers posted here!! (2001 - 2007)
(thanks to Rampager)
2001: http://skilani.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/2001solnsdd.pdf
Hey guys,
just wondering what your reasons for doing physics are...
the only reason im doing it is because i need it for uni - otherwise i dont like it enough just to pick it up as another subject.
just curious...
that was such an anoying question!! half the people came out like "what is a medium"?
it didnt really fit my essay, but i made it work. lucky there was only 1 related text needed or i wouldnt have finished... as it was i didnt write my conclusion...