Engineering Your Future an Australasian Guide + Sustainability SupplementDowlingCalculus For Engineers + Mymathlab Student Access Kit (package)
question is, is the supplement and access kit necessary? i gathered that wileyplus is compulsory, so i'll probably get that separately.
This is such a dead forum <.<
Anyway, so I've done the readiness survey and I haven't been given my results. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing (possibly good since that means they haven't emailed me saying I need to drop maths modelling 1?). Do I just go ahead and enrol and...
Maths (2&3U), Physics, Chemistry, Ancient, Extension History, English (2&3U) $30/hr
I've just finished my HSC, graduating from James Ruse Agricultural High School so I still have all
my notes fresh in my memory. Lessons can take place in the form of home visits or in public
I'm applying for student travel concessions, and one of the points on the form is:
I am fully engaged in studies and not engaged in business or employment nor receiving any remuneration (scholarships and allowances
such as Austudy and Youth Allowance are not counted as remuneration).
Does that...