Hamish Blake said something about tan lines being sexy cause it indicates an... exclusive region or something.
is this true or does it just look ugly as i think it does...
(btw he said it in that column in cosmo)
Hey my dad said he could get me that Adobe Creative Suite 4 software package thing for xmas cause i might need it in the future or whatever.
It includes:
Acrobat 9
and some extra weird things
Would this be helpful for the Industrial...
Drinkers shout down court ruling - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
If there is an accident due to alcohol, do you think the individual should be responsible or should the publican have a duty of care for anyone who steps on the premises?
<br>When using the quotient or product or whatever rule, do you have to specify which term you're calling 'u' and which 'v' or if you just write the rule, then sub in it's fine?
<br>Just wondering =)
I've notice a few people complaining about their writing appearing in a block, even when they start a new paragaph. This is probably due to the flux of people resulting in images and links and blah being taken away or whatever.
Anyway, to fix this, all you have to do is include each line in:
If you know:
the monthly repayment ($2800)
the montly interest (1.006)
the total amount needed to be repaid ($200 000)
How do you find how many months it will take?
I don't need to know the numbers, just a quick overview of how to do it.
If anyone could help, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
From the 2006 HSC Maths Paper: Question 7 (a) (ii)
Let A and B be the solutions of x^2 - 3x +1 = 0
(i) Find AB - simple
(ii) Hence find A + 1/A
From HSC Maths paper 2006: Question 7 (c)(ii)
(i) got you to find the discriminant of a random function, which was fine..
(ii) gave you two equations:
y = 2x^2 + kx + 9
y = 2x + 1
and told you to find the values...
From the 2007 HSC exam: Question 7, (b) (ii)
I'm having trouble finding the shaded area between the sin and cos graph because part of the area is above the x-axis, and some is below. As well as this, the two...