now just some some rare as questions..
well we all know how good it is to take a dump.
does it feel just as good to recieve anal?
just curious
(another one of those meaningful questions)
ok, so there is two parts to this question.
(a) what is the funniest thing you have ever done with a condom?
(b) Does using a condom make sex better or worse (for guys and girls), also when the condom breaks what do you do?
this is mainly a question for the girls....
why is it that (in high school mainly) girls dont tend to go for the nice guys and they are always left as 'good friends' i have been wondering ever since my friend has been told by the girls he likes they they want to "just" be friends, i think its...
im just curious to see what everyones answer will be,
here is the situation:
you are having sex with your partner.
you record yourselves having sex.
would you watch it later and masturbate to it?