Hi, my name is Ashleigh and I graduated dux of my year last year from Shoalhaven Anglican School on the South coast. I achieved a mark of 90 in both Mathematics and English (Advanced) and 87 in Chemistry. I am currently studying Chemistry and Maths at UNSW. I am offering tutoring to year 11 and...
what level of chem and maths should i enrol in? I'm doing Adv science
I did 3U maths and got 90 for 2U and 37 for 3U
I also got 80 for chem?
should I do the normal level or advanced because i read that there are less higher marks in the standard classes
I was reading through all the different majors in the science handbook to give mean idea what I could study and what sort of subjects I should think about doing next year to keep my options open. Most of the ones I thought sounded pretty interesting said maths, chem and bio in first year. Thing...
Next year I'm thinking of studying nursing but I'm torn between UTS and UOW...
So I've heard how fantastic the nursing faculty at UTS is and that they offer the best degree in the southern hemisphere yadda yadda yadda
I've also heard that the nursing degree at UOW is really good, probably not...
I went to an EXTREMELY shit school this year (think ranked lower than 600) and all my teachers told me how i was going to go really well in the HSC blah blah blah. I only went well compared to other years and ended up getting 88.15 which is considerably lower than what my teachers had led me to...
I know that this year I've put on a fair bit of weight with the stress of the HSC and not being able to exercise as much. I've also noticed a lot of my more 'petite' classmates have really filled out and are now bordering on chubby. I was just wondering whether this was fairly common for HSC...
OK so there are literally thousands of threads to the general tone of:
What's my ATAR going to be? Here are some subjects and marks and ranks...
So, maybe we could condense them here into one mega thread to make searching for stuff in guidance and counsel a bit easier. If you want an ATAR...
Hi, I've been doing past papers and comparing raw marks to aligned HSC marks to see which band I would get roughly. I know that for each year the cut off changes depending on the difficulty of the paper but my question is, is the quality of a certain band always the same ie. Bob gets 78/100 for...
Hey, I've got an old success one which doesn't have the solutions to the 2008 HSC, I was just wondering if anyone knew where I could get them or if it would be possible to post them on here? Thanks heaps :)
Seriously, you are doing your HSC, so hopefully you are a big boy or girl who is able to type "ATAR calculator" into google and find yourself a decent one. If you are worried about its accuracy, try another. This is a concept you should all know called cross referencing! Seriously we do not all...
Ok, so I got accepted into New College about a week ago and will be commencing there next year. I just wanted to know what to expect from a students perspective. I don't really care about the intercollege shit that I've noticed a lot on these forums I just want an honest opinion. I asked the...
Hi, I'm not really sure what i want to do next year if I don't get into med. I was thinking nursing and it looked pretty good at the open day but I'd love for a current nursing student to just tell me what it's like without a scary professor looking over their shoulder. What are some of the...