YouTube - Surfer Blood - Floating Vibes
YouTube - Bishop Allen - The Monitor
YouTube - Roman Candle - Why Modern Radio is A-OK
YouTube - Pavement - Cut your hair
YouTube - The Halo Benders - Virginia Reel Around The Fountain
Hey there!
Who is going to B&G this year? I got in after being considered at Johns and Fenner. I'm actually happy that I got into B&G over Fenner despite it being a lower preference as it is on campus and saves me the trouble of arranging transport.
Feel free to add me on MSN if you are...
Did anyone get accepted into the PhB (either Science or Art) this year? I got accepted into the Science one and would like to meet some others! What college are you at, gender, etc?
Ok guys I had my first preference as John's however for some reason, I am now being considered by Fenner, which was my 4th preference.
I think this is because if you are accepted into the PhB, you automagically get a 50:50 scholarship into Fenner.
Should I go here or what? I've heard that...