Search results

  1. nemayah

    Media Arts/Computer Science - Do I need a laptop? (Win or Mac?)

    I read somewhere (will link if I find it again) that Mac is necessary for computing courses. Is this true? I'd really prefer not to get a Mac but I will if I need it to run software/programs outside of class. If not, I'm thinking of getting the Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E540 here (link) - will...
  2. nemayah

    Media Arts/Computer Science (UNSW) VS Design Computing (USYD)

    First of all, I'd be grateful for any help at all! :) 1. Which degree will have more marketable job prospects? I'm concerned with whether or not I will be creative/talented enough to pursue Design Computing in Australia. I enjoy traditional drawing and I also own a graphics tablet... I found...
  3. nemayah

    Drop Chem for Senior Science? // Picking up 3U Jap and 4U English(?)

    Today was the last day of year 11, woohoo for us! Impending year of doom... :P Throughout the year, I'd gotten average/below average marks in Chemistry and way below average in the yearlies. I first decided to do Chemistry because it had been recommended to my class at the end of last year and...