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  1. E

    Case Studies

    Does anybody have any good case studies for 4.2 - New product or service design development or 4.3 - Supply chain management – logistics, e-commerce, global sourcing in the Operations topic? Anything would be appreciated, thanks!
  2. E

    Japanese prelim practice exam?

    Does anyone have any Japanese Beginners prelim exams? Or know where I can download them? ごめんあさい!
  3. E

    Has anybody done the Constant Gardener?

    My Yr11 Adv. English class is doing a justice module and we're studying The Constant Gardener. Any tips for an essay? Has anybody else even done this module?
  4. E

    Some good justice related texts?

    For our Year 11 English Advanced class, we are doing a unit on Justice. We watched the movie The Constant Gardener and have an essay coming up soon, and we have to find a supporting text. I'm not sure about any good justice texts, and our teacher said we couldn't use To Kill a Mockingbird. I...